University of Kyrenia hosted the 10th International Symposium on the History of Turkish Sea Trading

The 10th International Symposium on the History of Turkish Sea Trading took place on campus of University of Kyrenia on the 12th and 13th of April in cooperation with the Turkish Historical Society, Near East University and University of Kyrenia. The Rector of University of Kyrenia Prof. İlkay Salihoğlu, the President of Turkish Historical Society Prof. Refik Turan, the Vice Rector of University of Kyrenia Prof. Gökmen Dağlı, Dean of Near East University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department Prof. Ali Efdal Özkul, Dean of University of Kyrenia Faculty of Maritime Studies Prof. Mustafa Altunç, Dean of University of Kyrenia Faculty of Maritime Management and Administration, other deans and academicians of University of Kyrenia, Former Dean of Dokuz Eylül University Maritime Faculty Prof. A. Güldem CERİT, delegates of the Turkish Historical Society, scientists, lecturers, students and a large number of guests attended the symposium on History of Turkish Sea Trading. This year the main theme of this symposium series on maritime trade which is held annually since 2009, was ‘Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus’.
The 45 researchers and scientists who participated in the International Symposium on the History of Turkish Sea Trading had the chance to present their researches and assessments on the position of Cyprus on maritime trade by investing the topics such as maritime trade law, cultural interaction and pirate movements formed by maritime trade for two days.

“We are proud to host this Symposium”
Symposium Director and Dean of Near East University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department Prof. Ali Efdal Özkul who made the opening speech at the International Symposium on the History of Turkish Sea Trading stated that they are proud of the symposium series, which started in 2009 and has been hosted abroad for the first time by University of Kyrenia. Prof. Özkul underlined that the most important characteristic of Cyprus throughout history is its position and it provides logistic support and safe haven for all international ships. Prof. Özkul stated that they have chosen Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus as the theme of this year and both hard copies and digital copies of the 45 reports about Cyprus, Turkey and Algeria that will be present during the symposium will be available at the libraries.

Prof. Güldem Cerit: “We were proud that the symposium was held in Cyprus”
Former Dean of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Maritime Studies Prof. A. Güldem CERİT said that they are proud that the symposium has been held in Cyprus. Prof. Cerit spoke highly of the hospitality of Cyprus and stressed that the participants will enjoy this conference which will provide essential information.

Prof. İlkay Salihoğlu: “Symposium will shed light on Maritime History”
The Rector of University of Kyrenia Prof. İlkay Salihoglu stated that Cyprus was the center of maritime trade throughout the history and for this reason they are proud that the 10th International Turkish Maritime History Symposium has been held in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Kyrenia. Prof. Salihoğlu underlined that they are following the vision and the education, research and social transformation principles of University of Kyrenia.

Prof. Salihoğlu stated that “our main goal is, with the use of most effective education methods, to educate critical thinking, research-focused individuals who respects universal values and internalises knowledge creating processes, who are also specialists in their field and to ensure and support quality science production. We attach great importance to use the education and research accumulation and energy we have to contribute to economic, social, psychological and cultural development of societies at national international levels. Stressing that University of Kyrenia is the only institute that provides faculty level maritime education in the island. Salihoğlu said they hosted events related to maritime and maritime history within the scope of social contribution. Prof. Salihoğlu stated that they organized “Piri Reis Maps Exhibition”, “The Conquest of Cyprus: A Story of a Conquest Exhibition”, “The Unknown Aspects of Çanakkale War Exhibition” as part of the 100th anniversary celebrations of 18th of March, the Çanakkale Victory. Prof. Salihoğlu ended his speech by adding that during the symposium which will shed light on maritime history participants will have the opportunity to present their valuable reports and to share and discuss their opinions.

After the speeches, the first session of the symposium started.
In the opening panel titled as ‘The Main Issues of Maritime Trade History Researches’ under the management of Prof. İdris Bostan, methodological topics and new approaches were discussed.
The symposium continued with parallel sessions which lasted for two days and ended after the closing presentations and speeches on the 13th of April.